Student Reference Form

Official use only

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Have all fees due to your school been paid on time?
Are there any significant discipline or behavioral issues with this student?
Does the student have any diagnosed special learning needs?
Does the student currently receive any of the following services?
In general, how would you rate this student's attainment?
How well does the student get along with his/her peers?
How well does the student respond to instructions / directions?
How would you rate the child's attention span?
How would you rate the child's ability to complete tasks independently?
How would you rate the child's self confidence?
How would you rate the child's manners?
How would you rate the child's ability to communicate with adults?
How would you rate the child's ability to communicate with peers?
How well does the child play with peers?
In general, how supportive are the child's parents?
Does the family have realistic expectations for their child?
Does the family respect school policies and communicate effectively?