An overview of the 2023-2024 academic dates!

Term 1

Thursday 31st August 2023 Term 1 begins

Friday 20th October Last day of half term, finish at 3pm

Monday 23rd – 27th October Half-Term Break (amended dates)

Monday 30th October Staff Development Day

Monday 13th November Public Holiday (Remembrance Day)

Friday 15th December End of Term 1 – Finish at 3pm (no ASC)

Term 2

Wednesday 3rd January 2024 Staff Development Day

Thursday 4th January Term 2 begins for students

Monday 22nd January Public Holiday (National Heroes Day)

Friday 9th February Last day of half term. Finish at 3pm

12th – 16th February Half-Term Break

Friday 22nd March End of Term 2 – Finish at 3pm (no ASC)

Term 3

Monday 8th April 2024 Term 3 begins

Monday 6th May Public holiday (Emancipation Day)

Friday 17th May Last day of half term. Finish at 3pm

20th – 24th May Half-term break

Monday 17th June Public Holiday (King’s birthday)

Thursday 27th June End of Term 3 – Finish at 3pm (no ASC)